The Friars invite you to join in prayer in this virtual healing Mass presided over by Minister General Fr. Brian F. Terry, SA, joined by Fr. James Loughran, SA and Fr. Daniel Callahan, SA.
Prayer of Healing and Guidance
Most high and good Lord. You never abandon us, for we are your children, the sheep of your flock. Your love and mercy are eternal. No one and nothing can separate us from you in your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.
By the power of the Holy Spirit, come to our world and heal us of disease in our bodies, in our minds and in our souls. Lord Almighty! These are dark days, but with Christ as our light and his Gospel as our hope, we know humanity can overcome our present tragedies.
We ask you, Lord, make your presence known to us in the care with which you guard the lives of health care workers and first responders.
Lead, gracious One, the minds of medical science to find a cure and a vaccine.
Bless our government leaders both at home and abroad, that they may do their best to protect us all.
Help the infected, Most High God, to recover and return to the ones they love. Keep in the palm of your hand those in quarantine or isolation.
And, Lord God, help us all to be patient, calm, generous, merciful, kind and hopeful.
The world is yours. In your own mystery, things work out according to your will. Let your will be done and may our world recover.
We make this prayer in your most holy name, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.