About Brother Paolo S. Nicosia, SA
3rd Councilor
Elected 3rd Councilor in 2024, Brother Paolo Nicosia, SA, serves as Procurator General to the Holy See and Director of European Vocations and Formation. He is also Guardian of the Assisi ‘Our Lady of the Atonement’ Formation House.
Brother Paolo entered the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement in 2014 and professed his Final Vows in 2020. At the time of entering, Brother Paolo was teaching Mediation and Reconciliation at the University of Bolzano, in the German-speaking part of Italy, close to Austria, and performing research on Ecumenical Agents of Reconciliation. In addition, he was serving in an international project in Kazakhstan to develop mediation skills for the public officers of the Republic.
Previously, Brother Paolo taught mediation at the Peace Study Course of the University of Pisa, managed companies in Italy and EU projects in Eastern Europe and Near East countries, to teach and counsel on mediation, specifically in professional and social contexts. He recently was called back to teach mediation at the Peace Study Course, that Pope Francis has established in 2018 at the Pontifical Lateran University.
Brother Paolo holds a B.A. in International Political Sciences from the University of Perugia; and M.A. in Communication and Law, from the Bocconi university in Milan; and got an interdisciplinary Ph.D. (Theology, Sociology, Anthropology, and Psychology, in three languages: Italian, German and English) with the focus and title ‘Ecumenical Agents of Reconciliation’ at the University of Bolzano.