About Brother Gerard Hand, SA
Br. Gerard Hand, SA was born in West New York, NJ. He entered the Friars of the Atonement in 1958 and professed his first vows in 1961. He made his final vows in 1966.
Br. Gerard served in the culinary departments of the St. Joseph Novitiate in Saranac Lake from 1961-1967 and St. John Seminary in Montour Falls from 1967-1969. He then moved to Washington, DC to work in the culinary department of the Atonement Seminary from 1969 to 1985.
Br. Gerard moved to London and served at Catholic Central Library from 1985-1987. He was appointed Guardian/Director of the Catholic Central Library and held that position from 1987-1992. He also served as Administrator of the London Friary until 2008.
In 2008, Br. Gerard retired to the Friars’ house at Waverly Place in New York City and is still in residence there.