St. Jude Thaddeus is the Patron Saint of Hope

St. Jude Thaddeus was one of the first disciples to join Jesus. He was one of the twelve Apostles at the Last Supper and after the Lord’s resurrection, traveled the world to bring the good news of salvation. St. Jude brought a message of hope — often in the most difficult circumstances. Known as the Patron Saint of Hope, the power of his intercession is legend.

Today, people all over the world turn to St. Jude in times of urgent or desperate need. He is invoked in times of need and for serious or seemingly hopeless causes — including depression,grieving, unemployment, and illness. He is traditionally depicted carrying the image of Jesus in his hand which represents the imprint of the divine Countenance that was entrusted to him by Jesus.

Through our faith in God and St. Jude’s intercession, we can hold on to the hope that even the impossible can be overcome and our prayers will be heard. We can find healing, and we can find the strength to meet the challenges in our lives that seem too heavy to bear or too impossible to manage.

May the hope of St. Jude remain alive in your heart in all you do.

St. Jude Intercession Prayer

Most holy Apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant, and friend of Jesus, God has granted you the privilege of aiding in hopeless and desperate cases. I am in need of your compassion! I implore you; come to my aid and intercede on my behalf. Amen.

Prayer to St. Jude

May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on us. St. Jude worker of miracles, pray for us. Saint Jude helper and keeper of the hopeless, pray for us.   Thank you St. Jude.  Amen.


Monthly, the Friars of the Atonement celebrate a special Mass seeking St. Jude’s intercession for those sending petitions. Mass is celebrated on the 28 th of each month.

Twice a year the Friars celebrate special St. Jude Novenas – in March and in October for his Feast Day, October 28.

We ask you to join us for the Monthly St. Jude Mass and to learn more about upcoming special novenas for St. Jude.


Published as of March 23, 2025

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you for the badly needed team win – JMO

Thank You to St. Jude: St. Jude, apostle of the impossible , thank you for your intercession in the excellent response my daughter is having to chemotherapy treating cancer ! There have been so many moments of love shining throughout her journey from so many people. It is beautiful that the oncologist is sharing her story with other young adult patients to give them hope. You are our lifetime patron Saint ! – Judy

Thank You to St. Jude: Dearest Saint Jude, I thank you for preventing Michael from taking a bad job and securing a good one its place. I will continue to acknowledge your powerful intercession for those in great need and promote devotion to you. – Chris King

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St Jude for our daughters Test coming back clear of any problems. – Dolores Thies

Thank You to St. Jude: St. Jude, you have always helped me through my trials and tribulations. I thank you for continuing to bless me.
– Ann

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St Jude for all your help. – C Hayward

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you, St. Jude for prayers answered. – TF

Thank You to St. Jude: Dear St Jude,

Thank you once more for your help and your comfort. Thankfully my health issue appears to have settled. I am so grateful to you again.

Sinead – Sinead Mc Aree

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you, St. Jude for all my answered prayers. – Monette

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St Jude for hearing the prayers of my novena and guiding me down the best course. – Gabrielle

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St Jude for your intercession regarding my family and our needs. Please continue to pray for us. We love you – Clarence

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St Jude for answering my prayers. Thank you for sending people far away and not letting them harm me. – Alicia

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St Jude for keeping ailments like vertigo, dental issues and eye issues under control for the past few months. I am very grateful. Continue to bless me. Thank you. – Nirmala

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you for listening and always answering my prayers. My devotion to you, continues. – Kate

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St. Jude for answering my novena. – Adele Gattuso

Thank You to St. Jude: Dear St Jude thank you once again for hearing my prayers which have beeen answered.
I am truely grateful and will as promised make a donation to charity.
thank you – Margaret Sullivan

Thank You to St. Jude: St Jude thank you for getting our daughter a job. Help her to keep it for a long while. Thank you. – Dolores Thies

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you, Saint Jude, for all your immediate help for the safe return of my granddaughters to my home so we can live in peace and love. There is nothing before prayer. I am so grateful. – Carma

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you dear St Jude for helping Teri with the new job. Please can you help Stan and me with our own problems. Thank you again. – Ivan

Thank You to St. Jude: Grateful thanks to St Jude and Mother Mary for all favours recd.Amen. – SB

Thank You to St. Jude: Dear St Jude, thank you for the ability to manage my public speaking fear, thank you that I don’t have cancer, thank you that my babies are safe and sound, thank you that A is safe and her husband, thank you for health and being fit, thank you for a positive mindset, thank you for family, thank you for the right medicines and care, thank you for being proactive, thank you for a good biopsy – Del

Thank You to St. Jude: Expressing my gratitude to St. Jude who helped me in critical and hopeless situations in these years. – Linet Poulose

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you, beloved St Jude for your assistance in obtaining for my family desperate need for finances. Thank you with all my heart. – Clarence

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you for always listening and answering my prayers. – Kate

Thank You to St. Jude: Thankyou St. Jude for my prayers answered. – C Hayward

Thank You to St. Jude: Grateful thanks to St Jude and Mother Mary for all favours recd.Amen. – SB

Thank You to St. Jude: St. Jude, I ask that you please answer my recent prayers. Thank You to St. Jude: St. Jude’s Novena ‘May the Sacred Heart of Jesus
be Adored, Glorified, Loved & Preserved
through-out the world, now & forever.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.
Saint Jude, Worker of miracles, pray for us.
Saint Jude, Helper of the Hopeless, pray for us.’
State your intercession and Say the prayer 9 times a day for 9 days.
It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised. – M Franco

Thank You to St. Jude: For all of Your miraculous help.
Please help with keeping us safe in the wildfires. Please keep the cats safe. Please turn the electricity back on today. Please keep Mike’s and my relationship strong and safe and let us have some fun. Please restore our love.
Thank you. – Lj

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you again, my dearest Saint Jude, for another month without chemotherapy for my father, Marian! Thank you! – Marilena

Thank You to St. Jude: Blessed Saint Jude Thaddeus I am eternally grateful and deeply indebted to you for the miracle you performed when my mother passed away four years ago – taking my pain and grief and making it yours. Thank you Holy Saint of God for interceding for me and giving me strength to endure my bereavement. I thank you in the Holy name of Jesus. – Masehume

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St. Jude. – Christan M King

Thank You to St. Jude: Oh St. Jude I can’t begin to say how grateful I am that you answered my prayers again. Thank you ❤️ – Rita

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you Saint Anthony for answering my prayers. Please continue to intercede for me. Thank you for your intercession and for the miracle. – Amira C

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St Jude for all prayers answered. – Kate

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St Jude for always helping me in my time of need . Thank you you for always watching over my family and I . I will always encourage devotion to you . Amen – christopher daley

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St Jude for all the blessings I have received and for the knowledge that you are always there in support for me to approach – Diane

Thank You to St. Jude: Dear St Jude,
I have had a recent health worry and always turn to you for help. Thank you, once again, for your comfort and support. I am so grateful.
Best wishes,
Sinead – Sinead Mc Aree

Thank You to St. Jude: Dearest Saint Jude and Saint Barbara, thank you from the bottom of my heart for my father’s blood test results. Thank you again! Marilena – Marilena

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you again St. Jude. Your friend, Greg – Greg

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St. Jude for helping my niece have a successful surgery. – bonnie

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St Jude for keeping my daughter and son in law safe in Thailand and for their return back to Dubai safely. Always bless them. I am grateful. – Nirmala

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St. Jude for not prolonging the suffering of my mother in law. May her soul rest in peace. – Nirmala

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you, dearest St. Jude! I volunteer with Felines & Friends in Santa Fe, NM. Two of our kitties who have been up for adoption for many weeks are two older girls – Sweetness and Charlie. One is 13 and the other 15 – I forget which is which. They are both so loving and affectionate. They clearly had a loving home – then their guardian passed away and that’s how they came to be with us. I considered adopting them myself but I adopted the first cat I met on my first day at work with F&F and she’s getting along so nicely with my senior citizen – a 14 year old male. I don’t want to rock the boat and risk turning our happy home into a battleground. It breaks my heart in general that very few people will consider adopting older animals. So many are passed by because everyone wants a kitten. My shift is on Friday afternoons and this past Friday (12/13/24), the situation really had me down. I’m not Catholic. Just in the last few months I’ve been praying to Jesus again, after turning my back on him for many years. I was baptized as an adult in the Eastern Orthodox Church and have been saying the Jesus prayer (among others) every day. I’ve prayed for the kitties to get a good home on my own, but as stated, Friday really had me feeling helpless and hopeless. Desperate, actually. I couldn’t even think of your name and Googled ‘saints for hopeless cases’ while sitting with the elderly girls in the window of a pet shop at the local mall. St. Rita’s name also came up. When I got home, I looked on YouTube for the prayers to both of you and prayed along. The next day (Saturday), the volunteer coordinator called to say a suitable application for adoption had been submitted and that the Adoption Committee were just checking the prospective parents’ references! Yesterday (Sunday) it was announced at the volunteers’ holiday gathering that everything checked out fine and that Sweetness and Charlie will go home with their new parents this week – the mom is even a vet tech! The girls will live out their golden years with a good family in a peaceful, warm, loving home with good food, laps to sit in and a mom well-versed in kitty health issues. I am overcome with joy! Maybe you and Rita worked together?? I will thank her publicly as well, on a site dedicated to her, but want to mention you both here. Thank you for interceding for us with Jesus on this special Christmas request. I will never forget and never be able to thank you enough. All praises to God and prayers answered in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 🙏🏻 ☦️✝️🌲🕊️❤️😸😸 I love you so much. – Kristine Burson

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St. Jude. The tumor was benign. All Glory be to our Lord, Jesus Christ. – Daniel Warco

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you Saint Jude
O Holy St. Jude!
Apostle and Martyr,
great in virtue and rich in miracles,
near kinsman of Jesus Christ,
faithful intercessor for all who invoke you,
special patron in time of need;
to you I have recourse from the depth of my heart,
and humbly beg you,
to whom God has given such great power,
to come to my assistance;
help me now in my urgent need and grant my earnest petition.
I will never forget thy graces and favours you obtain for me
and I will do my utmost to spread devotion to you.
Amen – N Lorraine

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you, St. Jude, for answering my prayer petitions. My friend Lisa R’s cancer has gone into remission, and she no longer has to use a walker and is feeling much better. Thank you so much St. Jude. You are truly powerful! – Steve F

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St. Jude for prayers answered. Amanda and Ben are most grateful. Bill M – Bill McCarthy

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St. Jude for answering my prayer to succeed in my Zoom interview that only lasted 10 minutes. Will forever be thankful for your gift of answering impossible prayers and devote you to being my patron Saint! – Tatyana Camille

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you, St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, for your prayers and your intercession on behalf of my son for a successful interview and promotion in his job. I am eternally grateful to our Lord for His blessings, and I will always honor you as my special and powerful Saint. Amen – Lorina Lujan

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St Jude for the boys making their respective soccer teams. It’s hard work and we will do our best – Del

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you so much St Jude for answering my prayer6,it means a lot to me that you would help me. – Rita

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St. Jude for prayers answered. You always give me hope and a sense of peace. – Jeannine Bernardi

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St. Jude for guiding my oldest son! Much appreciated! – Ann

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you for all prayers answered. My devotion continues as always. – Kate

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St Jude for taking the burdens 0f life off my shoulders. – Dolores Thies

Thank You to St. Jude: Dear St Jude,
Thank You so much for Your incredible help. It always comes even when everything appears bleak. You kept us safe from the horrible wildfires. You saw me through emergency surgery, You help me with relationships, You help my animals. I am forever grateful to You and will do all in my power to encourage devotion to YOU.
Lj – linda

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you ST. Jude for answered prayers. CT – CT

Thank You to St. Jude: Grateful thanks to St Jude and Mother Mary for all favours recd. Thankyou St Jude for the good results of my son in his exams and my aunt’s successful eye operation.Amen. – SB

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you, St. Jude, for answering my prayers. Nick had his jaw surgery to remove hardware whilst still leaving his left jaw intact. He thought his whole jaw was going to be removed but they were able to save half of it so he can still chew and eat. I will continue to ask you that he have a successful second surgery to replace half his jaw with an artificial one. – Steve F

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you, St, Jude, for answering my prayers. Lisa was diagnosed with cancer but is now able to eat and doesn’t need her crutches anymore and can shower without help. Although she is still receiving treatment, she is getting better. – Steve F

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St. Jude. Prayers to honor you for your greatness and help – Donna

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you dearest St Jude for helping both my kids get good jobs. Thank you for keeping Divia safe in her travels. Thank you so much for all the many prayers answered through your powerful intercession. – Shareena Martin

Thank You to St. Jude: On day 9 of the ‘never fail ‘novena I am already feeling much better. Thank you St Jude. Please continue to intercede for me so that my health be now fully restored in both body and mind. – Diane

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank You St. Jude for prayers answered now and always.
Sincerely ,with the Love of the Lord and our Savior Jesus Christ
Joanne and David Mason – David Mason

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St Jude, with all my heart, for answered prayer. – Serena

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you to St Jude and our Lord Jesus Christ for prayers answered. – Jenn

Thank You to St. Jude: Thanks St Jude for interceding and seeing that my son did not say anything when I told him about my appointment – Thoibi

Thank You to St. Jude: Dear St. Jude,

Eternal thanks for working with Jesus to hear my prayers for healing.
I feel so blessed.
– M

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St Jude for your intercession on Moira’s behalf. Yesterday after some considerable time and 7 days of a novena she was feeling better. Please continue to intercede for her that she may start to hope. – Diane

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St. Jude for the miracle upon my dad he is now able to walk, Praise Jesus,Thank you Jesus.
Please continue to pray for me for a great well paying job that will enable me to be the comfort of my parents and anyone in need Amen. – Monicah

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you st. Jude for favor granted – R

Thank You to St. Jude: I want to thank St Jude for curing my mother’s leg ulcers – not once, but twice now. Please St Jude help her with her other health ailments and grant me protection in the coming months. Thank you. – Martin Conway

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St Jude for your intercession. I am now feeling much better and treasure the knowledge that I may always turn to you for comfort and hope. – Diane

Thank You to St. Jude: Dear St. Jude, thank you for helping with my urgent petition and interceding on my behalf to God by answering my prayers. – Colleen Bolio

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you for listening and answering all my prayers. – Kate

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you Saint Jude once again. – C hayward

Thank You to St. Jude: Thankyou St jude for your interceddion my biopsy report came back negative no further treatment needed – susan.varughese

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you st Jude for saving my home and giving the home equity loan I need and saving my car and giving the financial help I need.

Thank you St Jude – L. Jones

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St. Jude for answering my prayers. – AdeleGattuso

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you st Jude for answering my prayers in recent tough times Thank you st Jude – Kerry

Thank You to St. Jude: Grateful thanks to St Jude and Mother Mary for all favours recd.Amen. – SB

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St. Jude for praying for me to the Lord. My petition was granted and I am very grateful! – Kobeay

Thank You to St. Jude: We thank you. O Saint Jude Thaddeus, for your intercession with the Lord, God Almighty, on our behalf to sell our house.
Because of your divine assistance, we avoided bankruptcy and could afford to move. We thank you every day for our second chance. – Charles L Williams

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St Jude for prayers answered. Continue to work your miracles St Jude – Mary Reyenger

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you, St Jude, and continue to help me discern God’s will for me. – Maureen Lutkins

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you, St. Jude, for answered prayers. – Laurie Jevnick

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you, St. Jude, for your powerful intercessions towards an answered prayer. Blessed be St. Jude Thaddeus, in all the world and for all eternity. – Michael

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St. Jude for your intercession, my prayer has been answered. – KAD

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you Saint Jude for answering my prayers. – Nadia

Thank You to St. Jude: Dear St.Jude,
With all my heart, thank you so much for helping get my eye examination done safely today. I went today specifically to see a different eye doctor because four months ago when I had my eyes examined, I was told that I might have glaucoma; I prayed to you asking your help to hear a good news today. My appointment went very well today!! Thank you so much for always hearing my prayers and answering my petitions!! I’m eternally grateful to you for being there for me always.🙏🏽
M.G. – Mangala Gunaratne

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you very much St Jude for the many answered petitions which you interceded for me. Your powerful intercession granted my daughter a good job and many other requests I prayed for. Always grateful for the many miracles I experienced through your powerful prayers. – Shareena Martin

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you, St. Jude. – TF

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St. Jude from the bottom of my heart for answering my prayers about my test results. I am forever grateful! I have had my request granted. Publication promised. – MG

Thank You to St. Jude: Most glorious Saint Jude and Saint Anthony, I deeply thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the favours received today. Thank you again, powerful intercessors! – Marilena

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you Saint Jude for hearing my Novena prayers and answering my earnest petitions. You are the patron saint of miracles and you never fail. Thank you for helping my children, my Mom, and myself. Thank you for helping me in my need. Thank you for protecting me and saving me from my enemies. God Bless you and everyone who prays to you for help.

Novena to Saint Jude: O Holy St Jude! Apostle and Martyr, great in virtue and rich in miracles, near kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor for all who invoke you, special patron in time of need; to you I have recourse from the depth of my heart, and humbly beg you, to whom God has given such great power, to come to my assistance; help me now in my urgent need and grant my earnest petition (Mention Petition). I will never forget thy graces and favours you obtain for me and I will do my utmost to spread devotion to you. Amen. St. Jude, pray for us and all who honour thee and invoke thy aid.(Say 3 Our Father’s, 3 Hail Mary’s, and 3 Glory Be’s after this. Pray this for nine days and then publish your thanks to St. Jude.)

Thank you! – Diane Da Silva

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you for answered prayer for my sis to get surgery. They called the same day with a date after she waited over a year for her hip! – Kate

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St Jude for a wonderful flight, so so thankful and relieved and happy that G was well and the boys flee well. Thank God everyone made it safely..also thank you for our continued health. – Del

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St Jude , I sought your intercession for Josette, asking that she would receive reassuring news after her medical check , and today I know that this prayer has been answered. – Diane

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St Jude for your intercession. On the ninth day of my Novena I am feeling very much better and believe that I shall be restored to good health and filled with hope and confidence once more. – Diane

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St. Jude for all your help to keep my grandson safe from his father. Thank you for hearing our prayers. Thank you from my heart. I will never forget how you helped my family. Amen – Becky

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St. Jude. My dr. appt. turned out better than expected. – bonnie

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St Jude that my boys were safe through the night, especially the cold for the little one

Also thank you for A getting into the school!! Wow, incredible – Del

Thank You to St. Jude: Grateful thanks to Saint Jude for favours granted
– JB

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you st Jude for hearing my petition. And helping my sister with relief from horrible back pain . I love you and will make your name known. Amen – Ann Byerly

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St Jude for your intercession in persuading Jean Paul to get in touch as a start in the reconciliation of my family. – Diane

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you from the bottom of my heart to St. Jude for answering my prayer. I encourage everyone who needs a little hope or has an unanswered prayer to reach out to him. It has changed my life! – NC

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St Jude for being my faithful patron. I am forever in the debt of you and my all loving God. Your intercession has rescued and delivered my son from destruction and I will forever sing to God in gratitude for you. You have saved me time and again and procured so many graces for me. I promise to always be thankful and to spread your faithfulness to others. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. 🙏 ❤️ – Cindy

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St Jude for letting my husband get through his crisis last week without surgery. I promise to make your name known and cause you to be invoked. – SN

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you, St. Jude, for prayers answered as always.

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St Jude and Our God Almighty for protecting my family from COVID. Thank you for ensuring that my Sister, ‘A’, only had a mild case of COVID. Amen – MT

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St. Jude for keeping my daughter and son in law safe and sound in Spain. I am very grateful. Please always bless us. – Nirmala

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St Jude for all the graces received ! – Roma Fernandez

Thank You to St. Jude: Thanks you St. Jude for again answering my prayers. Thank you for helping both my nieces with their medical problems. You have always been there in my most serious times of need. – E Swete

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you Saint Jude for your help in finding and getting into a better housing situation. Your intercession helped me find a better path than I was able to imagine for myself and I am grateful for that. – Crystal R.

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St Jude for all you have done and continue to do for me and my family. Much love and gratitude to you! – NK

Thank You to St. Jude: Dear St. Jude,

Sincere thanks for working with the Lord and Angels to hear our prayer for healing for a Dear Friend. We are eternally grateful. – M

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you, St. Jude, for your powerful intercession and help theses past few months regarding my life. – D.M.

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you for Jake’s team win today please be with him and his team tomorrow too – June

Thank You to St. Jude: Thanks St Jude my daughter’s scan was good. – Thoibi

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St. Jude you have NEVER failed me.
No matter how small or large my request has been .
This one I thought was impossible to answer, but in my heart, I knew you would not fail me and just like you did for Danny Thomas, you granted my request.
I will be forever thankful. – Mary

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you Saint Jude – Suzanne M Barry

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St. Jude for curing my daughter of an aggressive brain tumor. For those of you reading this, my daughter was 9 months old when we started treatment. It was so scary. Our two years out of treatment is on March 24-28 at which point they said that the tumor would never return. We saw signs to go to St. Jude Children’s Hospital and we went. We begged God for a sign, and he sent us to you. Please keep my family safe, I promise you again that I will thank you publicly every chance I get. I will bring donations to that hospital. You saved my soul the day you helped save my daughter. I am so grateful. – Shalene Johnson

Thank You to St. Jude: My daughter is Bella Snow Johnson. She was around 9 months old when we were told she had a brain tumor. They said it wasn’t like any others they’d seen before, that it looked similar to two different kinds but it was its own awful brand. The percentages were scary.
I begged God for a sign. That’s when the billboards started. There are very few billboards in my rural Ohio city. Two billboards popped up, one infront of my shop to St. Jude Children’s Hospital. Then the checks started, my clients paid me and I’d see St. Jude’s emblem in the corner. Then the radio ads started, I’d never heard them before, for “St. Jude Children’s Hospital.”
On the last round of chemotherapy our doctor approached us and she told us about a doctor she worked with at St. Jude Children’s Hospital, he’s the best in the world and she could get us in with him as a patient.. St. Jude Children’s Hospital is 9 hours away and we drove to it. When God speaks to you, you listen.
The doctors told us that when my daughter is 2 years out of treatment, the chance of that tumor ever returning is very very slim. Our two year MRI is March 24-28 at St. Jude Children’s Hospital in Memphis. My daughter is a twin and she’s 3 now, she will be 4 in late June.


I promised St. Jude’s statue that sits outside of the hospital that if he helped my daughter, I’d tell everyone and I’d do whatever I could to donate back to the hospital. My daughter is a living miracle, thank you St. Jude!!!! – Shalene Johnson

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St. Jude for answering my prayers.
Please I’m asking again to watch over me and assistance with issues I have created in my life. – Frank

Thank You to St. Jude: Dearest Saint Jude, Saint Anthony and Saint Expedite, thank you for my father’s blood tests results. He is suffering from leukemia. The results are not good, but they are much, much, better than expected. Thank you ! Marilena – Marilena

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you Saint Jude once again. – C hayward

Thank You to St. Jude: My heartfelt gratitude to you St. Jude for hearing my prayers and comming to my aid every time I needed your help – Sheila

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you for interceding for Joannie. After more than 2 years she is finally back in her now redone home and with final approval. Please continue to watch over her. – Mary

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you Saint Jude for granting my request. I’m forever grateful for that. Picking up my keys 🙂 …. – Amanda Wilkerson

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you for helping my sister. – Laura

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St. Jude for helping me in so many ways. You are always with me. Thank you for your help with passing the GACE. Your love is amazing. – Georgie

Thank You to St. Jude: Grateful thanks to St Jude and Mother Mary for all favours recd.Amen. – SB

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you Saint Jude and Jesus for answering my prayers.
Say the following, 9 times a day for 8 days. By the 8th day your prayers will be answered:
‘May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved, and preserved through out the world, now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us; St. Jude worker of miracles, pray for us, St. Jude, helper of the hopeless pray for us.’
Publication must be promised. – Michael

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you for prayers answered St. Jude. – Christan

Thank You to St. Jude: Thank you St. Jude and Jesus for the favours granted. I am so grateful for you to help my husband with the problems he was having at work. You have helped to resolve them and for that I am immensely grateful. – Zarine