Send us your intentions so we may pray for them

Prayer, the lifting of the mind and heart to God, allows us to bring our thanks, our petitions, and our sorrow before our Lord.
Christ himself encouraged us to pray together: “For wherever two or more are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them” (Matt.18:20).
The Friars invite you to pray with us, to join our special novenas and Masses and to send us your intentions so we may pray for them as thousands have done since our community began on the Holy Mountain of Graymoor.

For more than 70 years, the Graymoor Spiritual Union, a community of prayer, has provided the power of prayer for solace during times of loss; prayers for healing, hope and comfort for those who are ill or suffering; as well as prayers of blessing for those special occasions in life. Send one of our beautiful Mass cards or spiritual greeting cards and enroll someone for prayers today.