“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” (Philippians 4:6)

Prayer, the lifting of the mind and heart to God, allows us to bring our thanks, our petitions, and our sorrow before our Lord.

Christ himself encouraged us to pray together: “For wherever two or more are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them” (Matt.18:20).

Through prayer we may also seek the intercession of those who are close to God. Through prayer we may ask the angels to help and watch over us; the saints in heaven to intercede and offer assistance;and the Blessed Mother’s aid and favor in asking her loving Son to hear our prayers.

Join Fr. Bob Warren, SA Spiritual Director of the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement in prayer.

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Praying the Holy Rosary

The Rosary begins with the Apostles’ Creed recited on the cross, followed by one Our Father, three Hail Marys and a Glory Be.

Then we contemplate significant events in the life of Jesus and Mary through each of the four Mysteries: Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious and Luminous. Contemplate each of the five parts of these mysteries while praying ten decades. Each decade consists of one Our Father, ten Hail Marys, and one Glory Be. The Rosary is concluded by praying the Hail, Holy Queen.

Play the video below to pray along with Fr. Jan as he recites the rosary during the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary.

Holy Rosary – Joyful Mysteries

Monday & Saturday

Holy Rosary – Sorrowful Mysteries

Tuesday & Friday

Holy Rosary – Glorious Mysteries

Wednesday & Sunday

Holy Rosary – Luminous Mysteries


Praying the St. Anthony of Padua Novena

Known as a “Wonder-Worker”, the Friars of the Atonement have always turned to St. Anthony in times of need both great and small. Servant of God Fr. Paul Wattson, SA, Founder of the Atonement Friars referred to his fellow Franciscan as a “big brother”.  St. Anthony is also known as the patron saint of the poor, of sailors and fishermen, of priests and travelers as well as a protector and guardian of the mails. Whether you’ve lost something or have other petitions, call upon St. Anthony of Padua for assistance.

To participate in the St. Anthony Novena.  Please join now.

Novena Prayer to St. Anthony of Padua

Praying the St. Peregrine Novena

Recognized as a “Wonder-Worker” and as the patron saint of cancer patients, St. Peregrine is a well-known intercessor for healing from chronic and severe illnesses. St. Peregrine was cured of cancer after he received a vision of Christ on the Cross reaching out His hand to touch his impaired leg.  Ask for his healing intercession in your own life or the life of a loved one.

Novena Prayer to St. Peregrine


Monthly the Friars of the Atonement celebrate a special Mass seeking St. Peregrine’s intercession for those sending petitions.

Twice a year the Friars celebrate special St. Peregrine Novenas – in May for his Feast Day and in October, the cancer-awareness month.

Praying the St. Jude Novena

St. Jude is known as a great miracle worker! Come to him with your needs, great and small. St. Jude, an apostle of Jesus, is known as the patron saint of desperate or lost causes. St. Jude is known for his zeal for Christ and his willingness to intercede for petitions, even seemingly impossible ones.

Novena Prayer to St. Jude


Monthly, the Friars of the Atonement celebrate a special Mass seeking St. Jude’s intercession for those sending petitions. Mass is celebrated on the 28 th of each month.

Twice a year the Friars celebrate special St. Jude Novenas – in March and in October for his Feast Day, October 28.

We ask you to join us for the Monthly St. Jude Mass and to learn more about upcoming special novenas for St. Jude.

Praying Pope Francis’ Prayer to Our Lady, Undoer of Knots & Prayer to Mary Undoer of Knots

Pope Francis has a special devotion to Mary under the title of Undoer of Knots. You can turn to Mary, Undoer of Knots, with the problems and struggles (the “knots”) that you cannot see a solution for. The devotion to Mary, Undoer of Knots, originated with a 300-year-old painting in Germany, inspired by the teaching of St. Irenaeus, and is now well-known throughout the world because of the Pope’s great devotion.

Pope Francis’ Prayer to Our Lady, Undoer of Knots

& Prayer to Mary Undoer of Knots

Praying  Special Angel Prayers

God has given us the protection of the angels as we walk through life. Join Fr. Bob in prayer seeking the assistance of your guardian angels to guide you and keep you safe.

Special Angel Prayers

Praying the Franciscan Crown Rosary

This special seven decade rosary is devoted to the seven joys of the Blessed Virgin Mary: the Annunciation, the Visitation, the Nativity of Jesus, the Adoration of the Magi, the Finding in the Temple, the Resurrection of Jesus, and the Assumption. Also known as the Rosary of the Seven Joys of Our Lady, the Franciscan Crown Rosary started as a popular Franciscan devotion in 15th century Italy and continues among Franciscan communities today.

The Franciscan Crown Rosary

Praying to Mary

There is a rich history and many traditions of praying for the assistance of Mary, the Mother of God, under a number of titles. Here, Fr. Bob leads us in prayers to Mary, including: St. Anthony’s Prayer to Our Lady; Prayer to Our Lady of the Atonement; Hail, Holy Queen; Prayer to Our Lady; Prayer to the Blessed Virgin; Mother; Saint Francis of Assisi, Prayer Praising Mary; Hail Mary; Memorare

Prayers to Mary

Prayers for Our Lady of the Atonement

The Franciscan Friars of the Atonement look to Mary as Our Lady of the Atonement. Servant of God Fr. Paul Wattson, SA, Founder of the Friars of the Atonement wrote in his journals, “She is necessarily ‘of the Atonement’ since it was the will of God that she play a necessary part in the atonement or redemption… Her claim to this high title rests most solidly on the fact that she consented to become, and became the mother of the Redeemer; that she suffered with Jesus during the passion; and that all graces merited for mankind by Christ have come to us through Mary.”

Prayers to our Lady of the Atonement

Prayers to St. Joseph

St. Joseph, beloved and devoted father and husband, was declared patron of the Universal Church by Pope Pius IX 150 years ago. Recalling St. Joseph’s devotion to God, Mary and the baby Jesus, and his model as a laborer and a dedicated husband and father, Pope Francis has declared 2021 the Year of St. Joseph. The celebration began on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception in 2020 and concludes on the same day in 2021.

Prayer to St. Joseph

Consecration to St Joseph

Prayer for Consul and Provision

Prayer for Family Needs

Prayer to Ease Suffering

Saint Joseph’s Prayer to Bear Our Crosses with Joy

Daily Novena Prayer to Saint Joseph

Fr. Bob's Weekly Reflections

Fr. Bob’s Homily – Baptism of Jesus

In our second reading today, we hear about Peter’s encounter with Cornelius, a Roman Centurion and Gentile, whom the Jews considered unclean. Peter hesitated at first, seeing him as a foreigner, a soldier, and a sinner. But Peter’s heart changed when he realized that God shows no partiality. He baptized Cornelius, bringing him into the faith.
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