Aaron Hollander, for Ecumenical Trends - “Synodality, Ecumenism, and the Future of a Church in Process”: The Atonement Franciscan Legacy at 125 Years and Beyond
Etched into the stone above her final resting place, you’ll find the words: "Repairer of the Breach." A fitting legacy for Mother Lurana Mary White. She didn't just preach At-One-Ment, she lived it. Mother Lurana was always unique, even as a little girl.
As feast days go, Divine Mercy Sunday is relatively new. Established in 2000 by Pope St. John Paul II, Divine Mercy Sunday was first revealed to St. Faustina Kowalska in the 1930s. During a series of apparitions, the Lord told Faustina, in part:
We're delighted to share a recap of the recent Building At-One-Ment Messengers (BAM) program hosted at the Holy Mountain Franciscan Retreat Center at Graymoor.
A local Boy Scout is making Graymoor, home to the Franciscan Friars and Sisters of the Atonement the centerpiece of his service project to reach the rank of Eagle Scout.
We see St. Joseph was a devoted family man. He was that and so much more. As we celebrate his feast day on March 19, we recall the many wonderful traits of St. Joseph and how we can emulate them in our lives.