Visiting Our Lady of the Atonement Church, San Antonio, TX

May 24, 2019
In April, while Fr. Emil Tomaskovic, SA and members of the Mission Support staff were hosting a Benefactor Appreciation Day in San Antonio, they stopped to visit the Church of Our Lady of the Atonement. This year is the Centennial Anniversary of the Catholic Church recognizing Mary under the title of Our Lady of the Atonement, and a special visit was in order.
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Encountering Fr. Paul of Graymoor: Reflections of a Seminarian

May 22, 2019
Francisco Gamboa Felix, a seminarian from Mexico, encountered Servant of God Fr. Paul Wattson, SA and the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement through studying ecumenism at seminary.  Fr. Paul and the Friars’ ministry of fostering reconciliation, healing and unity so inspired Francisco that he pilgrimaged to Graymoor to experience Fr. Paul’s legacy first hand in February 2019. 
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Summer at Centro Pro Unione

May 21, 2019
Fr. Jim Puglisi, SA, Director of the Centro Pro Unione (Center for Unity), the Friars ecumenical research and action center located in Rome, Italy, is preparing for the graduate program that the Center hosts each summer. This three-week program introduces participants to the ecumenical and interreligious movements from a Catholic perspective. It offers a historical and theological overview of the issues that divide Christians as well as the bonds that unite them.
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Friars Participate in 2019 National Workshop For Christian Unity

April 23, 2019
Fr. Tom Orians, SA, Fr. Jim Puglisi, SA, Fr. Jim Loughran, SA, and Fr. Jim Gardiner, SA, travelled to Washington, DC, in early April to meet with other religious leaders of various denominations for The National Workshop on Christian Unity. The only gathering of its kind on a national level, the Workshop has advanced unity and reconciliation among various Christian communities for more than 50 years.
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RU1@1? – A New Initiative For Young Adults

April 17, 2019
The Franciscan Friars of the Atonement are proud to announce that we have recently launched our newest initiative aimed at reaching young adults. The RU1@1? challenge is a series of 21 daily challenges delivered by email to those who register for the program. The daily tips seek to help participants find At-One-Ment with God, others, and within themselves.
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Friars Welcome Drs. Borelli as Newest Affiliates

April 1, 2019
The Friars of the Atonement are very proud to announce their newest Affiliates, Drs. John and Marianne Borelli. Dr. John Borelli currently serves as a special assistant for Catholic Identity to the president of Georgetown University, where he teaches, manages conferences and events, coordinates dialogue and mission for the Jesuit Conference, and promotes university relations with the offices and institutes of the Holy See.
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