Throughout his years as an Atonement Friar, Brother William Martyn, SA was a champion for ecumenism and interreligious affairs. On Monday, August 28, he entered into Eternal Life, six days after his 83rd birthday.
On September 13th, we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Brother Paschal Steen, TSA. Brother Paschal had been the last living Atonement Tertiary prior to his death in 2019.
Each Sunday, Father Bob Warren, SA, delivers a poignant reflection on the Gospel reading, available for all to read and listen to the Friars’ website and Facebook page.
Brother Scott Boyd, TSA, said his experience has been like “filling a spiritual tank.” He was speaking, of course, about his experience during the annual retreat for Tertiary Friars and Deacons from the Society of Franciscan Deacons.
The third-floor hallway of Graymoor’s St. Pius X building recently became brightened with a touch of God’s glory. Adorned on each side of the corridor walls are the Trail of Glory oil paintings.