My Summer at St. Christopher’s Inn

Bro. Fabrizio Syzmanski, SA

Every summer, men in formation at Graymoor, home to the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement, are called to do a service project. It’s a great way for a Friar to learn about himself, the Friars of the Atonement community and committing oneself to religious life. As part of my service project this summer, I was blessed to come be a part of the work that takes place at St. Christopher’s Inn.

I was honored and humbled for the chance to mentor and guide our Brothers Christopher as they seek their recovery journeys with strength, courage and pride. I saw At-One-Ment come alive as counselors, Friars and residents worked side-by-side in daily activities. We were able to break down barriers so the men could see that we are all brothers. It’s very important for the men residing at SCI to know they are not their mistakes. They are good men and worthy of love and respect.

This summer also challenged me in many positive and special ways. First, I live in Italy and Italian is my first language. I knew I would have to speak mostly English at the Inn throughout the summer. Second, I didn’t have formal training in crisis counseling or addiction rehabilitation – training and experience that is vital when working with people overcoming addiction and striving for recovery. But I knew that God wanted me to make the most of this ministry. So last summer, I did some ministry work in the world of drug recovery, split into two parts: one with adolescents in a diocesan mission and another with adults in a Salesian mission.

Under the guidance of Fr. Dennis Polanco, SA, president and spiritual director at SCI, I was encouraged to attend support groups about managing grief, developing coping skills and experiencing the day-to-day life in a positive way alongside the Brothers Christopher. Fr. Dennis showed me that these brothers who face addictions and their families are eager to heal.

As much as I gave during my service project this summer, I also received. It was an enriching experience for the human spirit. I learned how to become vulnerable and how to be myself. I joined the St. Christopher’s choir, practicing three times a week and performing at Masses!

Helping others has always been second nature to me. My mother is a special education teacher and my father is a doctor, so my life was shaped by service and passion for helping others. At 19, I began studying political science, but I felt that I was really searching for something much deeper. I rekindled my passion for my Catholic faith. Bible reflections at my local parish were the first steps and laid the foundation for studying the faith with others in Rome.

Faith organizations such as Lions Club International drew me closer to religious life. The more I experienced a life of faith, the more I experienced a feeling of serenity. So I began to research religious orders. I did a lot of reading and reflecting. I went online and — boom! — I came across the Atonement Friars. I wrote them an email in 2018 and then met with Fr. Jim Puglisi, SA, who was in charge of direction and vocation in Italy. My entire formation journey then took place under the supervision of Bro. Paolo Nicosia in our formation house in Assisi. Bro. Paolo continues to be my formator.

In 2021, I received my habit, and in 2022 I professed my first vows as a Franciscan Friar of the Atonement!

I am grateful to Fr. Polanco and everyone at the Inn for welcoming me with open arms. I will never forget this experience. Please join me in praying for the residents, their families and their counselors, that they may experience the healing and peace that can only come through Jesus Christ.

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