Brother Benny’s Bakery opened in February with much anticipation and delight. This teachable bakery offers our Brothers Christopher the opportunity to learn baking skills and so much more!

Chef Evan - Brother Benny Bakery Ribbon CuttingMen meet twice a week to learn the fine art of baking with local restauranteur Chef Evan Liaskos. Along the way, they acquire many soft skills necessary for a successful and healthy return to family and community. They learn organization, planning, multitasking, interpersonal communication, creativity and attention to detail. Brother Benny’s Bakery shores up their self-confidence, often eroded by substance use.

The bakery is named in memory of well-loved Franciscan Friar of the Atonement, Br. Benny Terasawa, SA who cooked and baked for the men of St. Christopher’s Inn for many years.

The bakery is made possible by foundation and benefactor support.

Brother Benny’s Bakery is an initiative of the Phases Program, designed to meet the therapeutic, vocational, educational and recreational needs of our Brothers Christopher. A man may live in our recovery community and receive care for up to a year, depending on his individual treatment plan. The extended stay provides a more solid foundation for recovery.

Brother Benny Bakery Ribbon Cutting 2The Phases Program also prepares our Brothers Christopher more intentionally to reenter family and community life. It helps them answer the very real question, “How can I live a healthy, happy and productive sober life beyond the walls of St. Christopher’s Inn?”

Fr. Dennis at Brother Benny Bakery Ribbon CuttingBrother Benny’s Bakery opened February 14, the Feast of St. Valentine. A group of Brothers Christopher baked a variety of treats to serve their fellow brothers back at the Inn. They enjoyed participating in Encouragement Group—a time of fellowship, sharing stories of triumph and struggle, laughter and fun! The men celebrated their “baking brothers” and the inauguration of the program with enthusiasm and admiration.

As the Phases Program grows, more men will have the opportunity to experience the healing that can result at Brother Benny’s…one sweet treat at a time!

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