Exciting news! Father Bob Warren is now reading his weekly reflections. Click on the headlines below or where it says “read more” under each to read – and now listen to – the latest from Fr. Bob.

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Fr. Bob’s Homily – Third Sunday of Lent

Most of us are familiar with the term “freeloader”— someone who takes and takes, but never gives back. If you’ve ever gone to lunch with a freeloader, they’re the one who happens to forget their money. In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells a story about this kind of life, but instead of a person, the freeloader is a fig tree. The tree takes from the soil, drawing nourishment but never producing fruit—no figs to return what it’s been given.
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Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2025

Fr. Bob 2025 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Reflection

One-hundred and sixteen years ago this week, our founder, Servant of God Father Paul Wattson, looked around the Christian world and saw nothing but disunity. Moved by this, he resolved to initiate an annual Week of Prayer, during which Christians across the world could come together and pray for the unity of all believers, echoing Christ’s prayer the night before He died:
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Fr. Bob’s Homily – Baptism of Jesus

In our second reading today, we hear about Peter’s encounter with Cornelius, a Roman Centurion and Gentile, whom the Jews considered unclean. Peter hesitated at first, seeing him as a foreigner, a soldier, and a sinner. But Peter’s heart changed when he realized that God shows no partiality. He baptized Cornelius, bringing him into the faith.
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