Advent Reflections (Week 1) – by Fr. Bob Warren, S.A.

It’s the first week of Advent, and as Christians, we reflect on why we celebrate the birth of Christ and prepare for Christmas. Why do we make so much of this celebration?

More than 20 centuries have passed, yet this tradition endures. Historical figures like Caesar, Charlemagne, and Napoleon have faded away into obscurity, and while the works of Plato, Shakespeare, and Socrates still line our shelves, we don’t set aside special days to honor them.

Yet we continue to celebrate Jesus each year. Despite efforts to suppress His worship, belief in Christ persists, rising up like bread dough between our fingers.

What makes Jesus so different? The answer lies in His uniqueness. From His birth, He was called Holy, set apart from all others. His character, teachings, life, death, and resurrection are unmatched. However, we can’t fully grasp His uniqueness until He becomes a part of our lives.

This is the purpose of Advent: to open our hearts to Jesus and to reach out to Him.

My friends, the Lord is coming. May your heart always prepare a clear path for Him in your life.

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One thought on “Fr. Bob’s Thoughts for the First Week of Advent

  1. Fr Bob always surprises me with how simple yet profound are his words. His thoughts are beautiful and comforting

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