We are in the Lenten season, which will lead us to Holy Week. It is strange that we call it that because it is seven days of political corruption, moral cowardice, and physical violence. In the middle of all this is Jesus, the Lord who points us in other directions.
On Holy Thursday, the night before He dies, He gives us His greatest gift, His very self, under the form of bread and wine. Then He does something unbelievable. He takes a towel and water and washes the feet of His disciples. And He tells them, if I your Lord and teacher have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. In other words, care for each other right here and now, where we meet to eat this meal.
Many of us have problems. Some of us are hurting because of addictions, because of loss of family or jobs, because of illness, because of old age, or because we feel unloved or unlovable. Some are hurting because they feel they have hurt so many. Do you think for a moment you are unique, alone on a cross?
For one, we all hurt because we are men and women fashioned of fragile flesh and sensitive spirit, all needing to be loved. But when we come together and share the Eucharist, we become united with Christ and with each other. You become one with those around you, and the Lord asks us to care about each other.
Remember His words. I have given you an example. Do this in memory of me.
A series of unforgettable teaching lessons and moments happen all during the lenten season, but the most profound ones are yet to come. We must look forward and learn it is in giving we receive and to do unto others. Jesus will offer the ultimate sacrifice for us and in return we are asked to spread the Word of God and be a mirror of Christ to the world! O and receive the benefit of Divine Mercy & everlasting life in return
“Do this in memory of me” should be followed by us all. Amen
This article touched me deeply because it made me think about the passing of my mother last Easter, and the emotional and mental health problems of my father that have ensued. This beautiful article reminded me to keep doing good even when I get down.