New Year’s Day Yoga Retreat

Our Lady of the Atonement Retreat Center Old Highland Turnpike 41, Philipstown, NY, United States

All are invited to bring their yoga mat and join us for this retreat, which will be held at the Sisters' Retreat House.

Divinity Yoga Weekend

HOLY MOUNTAIN FRANCISCAN RETREAT CENTER 40 Franciscan Way, Garrison, NY, United States

All faiths and all bodies are invited to bring their yoga mat to the Holy Mountain Retreat Center for Divinity Yoga Weekend.

Find Balance through Kabbalah: An Introduction to Its Teachings and Practices

HOLY MOUNTAIN FRANCISCAN RETREAT CENTER 40 Franciscan Way, Garrison, NY, United States

Kabbalah is a path to remembering your inherent wholeness, and the Tree of Life and its aspects are at its core. Considered the blueprint for all existence, the various aspects of the Tree emanate from the Divine and are part of who we are as well.

Event Series Recovery Yoga

Recovery Yoga

Our Lady of the Atonement Retreat Center Old Highland Turnpike 41, Philipstown, NY, United States

Open to all but inspired by the 12 Steps, this yoga class, in the large meeting room of the Our Lady of the Atonement Retreat Center, begins at 9:30 AM each Friday. It is a drop-in class for all level. $22.

A Day of Hope Retreat

HOLY MOUNTAIN FRANCISCAN RETREAT CENTER 40 Franciscan Way, Garrison, NY, United States

The Franciscan Friars of the Atonement invite you to a one-day Franciscan spiritual renewal and discernment retreat in honor of the 2025 Jubilee Year of Hope.

Event Series Recovery Yoga

Recovery Yoga

Our Lady of the Atonement Retreat Center Old Highland Turnpike 41, Philipstown, NY, United States

Open to all but inspired by the 12 Steps, this yoga class, in the large meeting room of the Our Lady of the Atonement Retreat Center, begins at 9:30 AM each Friday. It is a drop-in class for all level. $22.

“That All May Be One” Prayers for Unity

St. Francis Convent Chapel 41 Old Highland Turnpike, Graymooor Garrison, NY, United States

On the first Thursday of every month, please join the Franciscan Sisters of the Atonement to pray for world peace and unity. Through quiet prayer and reflection, intercessory prayer and music, you are invited to participate in our mission, "That All May Be One" - a worldwide mission of Unity that began at Graymoor in 1898. People of all Faiths are welcome.