The Far Side of Revenge: What Can the Church Do When Division Reigns?
Cathedral of St. John the Divine 1047 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY, United StatesGraymoor Ecumenical & Interreligious Institute is a co-sponsor of the 2024-2025 “Dialogues on Divinity” series, hosted by the Cathedral of St. John the Divine and the Community at the Crossing (an ecumenical program for spiritual formation in the heart of New York City).
Feed Your Spirit – Eat the Rainbow
Our Lady of the Atonement Retreat Center Old Highland Turnpike 41, Philipstown, NY, United StatesNutritionist and Dietician Cari Weizencker will lead a 3-hour workshop of feeding your body, mind and spirit by eating the rainbow.
Benefactor Appreciation Day – Scottsdale, AZ (Paradise Valley)
Franciscan Renewal Center 5802 East Lincoln Drive, Scottsdale, AZ, United StatesJoin us for Mass, lunch and a sharing of our ministry stories as we gather to express our gratitude for your support.
“That All May Be One” Prayers for Unity
St. Francis Convent Chapel 41 Old Highland Turnpike, Graymooor Garrison, NY, United StatesOn the first Thursday of every month, please join the Franciscan Sisters of the Atonement to pray for world peace and unity. Through quiet prayer and reflection, intercessory prayer and music, you are invited to participate in our mission, "That All May Be One" - a worldwide mission of Unity that began at Graymoor in 1898. People of all Faiths are welcome.
“The Last 7 Words of Christ” Musical Performance by the Hudson Lyric Opera
Our Lady of the Atonement Chapel 40 Franciscan Way, Garrison, NY, United StatesJoin us for a Lenten Concert at Graymoor. Experience the moving beauty of “The Seven Last Words of Christ” by Theodore Dubois, performed by the Hudson Lyric Opera.
The Spiritual Directions
HOLY MOUNTAIN FRANCISCAN RETREAT CENTER 40 Franciscan Way, Garrison, NY, United StatesLed by Skip Doyle this day of guided prayer and meditation is outdoors on the grounds of Graymoor during Lent. Bring warm apparel and raingear if necessary; be prepared for the mortification of the elements.
Benefactor Appreciation Day – Graymoor
Graymoor 40 Franciscan Way, Garrison, NY, United StatesJoin us for Mass, lunch and a sharing of our ministry stories as we gather to express our gratitude for your support.
The Art of Compassionate Communication.
HOLY MOUNTAIN FRANCISCAN RETREAT CENTER 40 Franciscan Way, Garrison, NY, United StatesEducator Brittany Martinez, together with her mother-in-law, psychologist Mary Ann Martinez, present a one day workshop on The Art of Compassionate Communication.
Frances and Clare – The Struggles of the Saints of Assisi
HOLY MOUNTAIN FRANCISCAN RETREAT CENTER 40 Franciscan Way, Garrison, NY, United StatesJoin us for a book talk and reception with Author Kathleen Brady.
Benefactor Appreciation Day – Haverford, PA
St. Raphaela Center 616 Coopertown Rd, Haverford, PA, United StatesJoin us for Mass, lunch and a sharing of our ministry stories as we gather to express our gratitude for your support.