Franciscan Friars of the Atonement Follow the Friars on Pinterest Make a Donation Learn more about Friar of the Atonement Vocations Visit the Graymoor Book and Gift Center Online Store Listen to the Ave Maria Hour Radio Show Pray online with Fr. Bob Warren, SA Participate in the Current Novena Purchase Mass Cards and Enroll in the Graymoor Spiritual Union Follow the Friars on Vimeo Follow the Friars on YouTube Follow the Friars on Twitter Like the Friars on Facebook Visit our Website Follow the Friars on Pinterest Follow the Friars on Pinterest Make a Donation Learn more about Friar of the Atonement Vocations Visit the Graymoor Book and Gift Center Online Store Listen to the Ave Maria Hour Radio Show Pray online with Fr. Bob Warren, SA Participate in the Current Novena Purchase Mass Cards and Enroll in the Graymoor Spiritual Union Follow the Friars on Vimeo Follow the Friars on YouTube Follow the Friars on Twitter Like the Friars on Facebook Like the Friars on Facebook Make a Donation Learn more about Friar of the Atonement Vocations Visit the Graymoor Book and Gift Center Online Store Listen to the Ave Maria Hour Radio Show Pray online with Fr. Bob Warren, SA Participate in the Current Novena Purchase Mass Cards and Enroll in the Graymoor Spiritual Union Follow the Friars on Vimeo Follow the Friars on YouTube Follow the Friars on Twitter Like the Friars on Facebook Visit our Website

    Friars' General Chapter Meeting
    2014 Friar Golden Jubilees
    Making a Pilgrimage to Graymoor?
    St. Anthony Feast Day Celebration at Graymoor
    Special Movie Screening and Meet the Filmmaker Event
    Update from St. Joan of Arc
    Share in our Ministry of Prayer


Greetings from Fr. Bob ...

On Sunday, June 22nd this year, the Church will celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi). The Eucharist exists because of the love of Jesus for us — a love so strong He is willing to come to us at every Mass. The night before Jesus died He was faced with a dilemma. He wanted to stay and be with us, but He had to leave us. The solution reflects the mysterious wisdom of God. Jesus took the bread and wine and transformed them into His Body and Blood. He gave us Himself in the Eucharist.

Jesus loves us so, that he invites us to receive Him at every Mass. He becomes a part of us, and we a part of him. We are one. The Eucharist nurtures our community, because we become what we receive, the Body of Christ. We partake of the Eucharist not to keep His presence to ourselves. We must spread it around to the rest of the hungry, broken and restless world. If the Eucharist does not make a difference in our lives, it becomes merely something we do every Sunday. The real Eucharistic presence is not realized when we do not share its promise. Let us think about the shut-in who is sick or elderly? Can I shop for him or call her? Do I listen when someone needs an ear? Or do I spread gossip and judge others? Am I allowing the presence of Christ in me make any difference in the way I live? It is up to us to realize the full value of the Eucharistic presence, to create an intimate union with Jesus, in order to fulfill His promise of good things which eyes have not yet seen or ears have not yet heard. Christ came for all! In His flesh we are one.

Yours in Christ,
Fr. Bob Warren, SA


General ChapterThe Franciscan Friars of the Atonement will hold a General Chapter Meeting in June and elect new leadership who will serve a five year term starting in 2014. The theme of the 17th General Chapter is drawn from the book of Deuteronomy-- "I set before you life or death. Choose life…" (Dt. 30:19). This is a Franciscan tradition: at Pentecost Saint Francis and his friars would gather and share the results of their preaching. St. Francis would pray for guidance of his brothers, and they would make decisions regarding the life of the friars and issue new preaching assignments.

Please pray along with the Friars for their General Chapter Meeting:

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of the Atonement Friars. Give them the Spirit of fraternity, charity and unity as they prepare for the General Chapter. Drive from them all doubt and fear, and instill in them faith and courage that they may choose life, hope and joy. Renew in them, the charism of At-One-Ment. Give them the grace of simple hearts to place their trust in you. For you are one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In this unity Holy Trinity, is our strength. We ask this of you Holy Spirit, through the power of Christ, the risen Lord, to the Glory of God Our Father, one God forever and ever. Amen.


The Franciscan Friars of the Atonement are planning a Golden Jubilee Celebration and Mass at Graymoor's Chapel of Our Lady of the Atonement (formerly Pilgrim Hall) at 11am on June 28, 2014, for seven friars observing their 50 year milestones.

Celebrating Golden Jubilees this year are: Fr. Kenneth Cienik, SA, Parochial Vicar at Christ the Redeemer Church, Sterling, VA; Fr. Patrick Cogan, SA, Pastor of Christ the Redeemer Church in Sterling, VA; Fr. Gerald F. DiGiralamo, SA, who is part of the sacramental ministry at Chapel of Our Savior, Brockton, MA; Fr. William Linakis, SA, who serves in healthcare ministry at George Pearson Centre, Vancouver, BC; Fr. Francis Eldridge, SA, Pastor of St. Odilia's Church in Los Angeles, CA; Fr. James Puglisi, SA, Minister General for the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement and Director of Centro Pro Unione in Rome, Italy; and posthumously Fr. Arthur Johnson, SA, former Parochial Vicar at Christ the Redeemer and former Minister General of the Atonement Friars, who died in March 2014.

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Peace Pole at GraymoorIn 1940, Fr. Paul Wattson, SA, wrote "If you really want to be a saint, I invite you to join yourself to the Graymoor Pilgrims of the Atonement who are marching unto Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads." Many of the historical sites of Graymoor were originally built for these pilgrims. Fr. Elias Mallon, SA, in a blog called "Pilgrim People", reminds us that pilgrimage is deeply rooted in the religious imagination of the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, although in different ways. Read Fr. Elias' interesting article on the role of pilgrimage as a part of faith, before you plan your summer visits to Graymoor or other pilgrimage sites.

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St. Anthony Feast Day ProcessionTo accommodate pilgrims from the tri-state area and beyond, the celebration at Graymoor for the Feast of St. Anthony will take place on Sunday, June 15th, at the St. Anthony Shrine at Graymoor. Masses will be in English and Creole. Please see our flyer for details about Mass times, Eucharistic adoration and benediction information. Volunteers are needed to help welcome pilgrims, especially volunteers who speak Creole. To help, call (845) 424-3671 x 2111.

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Finding St. AnthonyThe Franciscan Friars of the Atonement invite you to enjoy a special screening and meet the filmmaker event at Graymoor. Finding Saint Anthony: A Story of Loss and Light was filmed in various locations in Portugal and Italy. Directed and produced by filmmaker Edward J. Roy of J6 Entertainment from right here in the Hudson Valley, the film is a one-hour documentary which originally was presented by Salt & Light TV.

Join the Friars and Sisters at the Graymoor Spiritual Life Center on Tuesday, June 24, 2014 at 7pm. Seating is limited, first come and the event is free. Refreshments will be served. After the film, Mr. Roy will talk about the many "small miracles" that occurred in the process of making this movie about our Beloved St. Anthony, the saint of miracles. This film will surely offer inspiration and demonstrate that with prayer, all things are possible. For more information, call (845) 424-2111.

Friars of the Atonement Vocations


The Easter vigil at St. Joan of Arc in Toronto included the baptism of 3 adults and 3 children. Several others were received into full communion with the Roman Catholic Church. On Easter Sunday several other infants and children were baptized. In May, 25 young people made the sacrament of Confirmation and 55 children received their first Holy Communion.

Baptism at St. Joan of ArcFr. Dan Callahan, SA, Pastor, has been very busy as the only priest on staff at this urban parish, and in the meantime, he continues to train weekly for his August 18th tri-athalon to take place Mont Tremblant in Quebec. Check our July eNews for more information about the Iron Friar's latest race, which raises funds to support the Friars' ministries.


During Lent, nearly 30 couples gathered with Fr. Damian MacPherson, SA, Director of the Office of Ecumenical and Interfaith Affairs, for a retreat centered on the "Call to Humanness and Holiness." Fr. Damian said, "Holiness is all about attempting to live the mandate of the gospel and the teaching of the Church. He spoke of Church history, when holiness was reserved for monks, mystic and religious men and women. After the 16th century, saints such as St. Francis de Sales and St. Ignatius Loyola developed a more practical approach to holiness.

Fr. Damian MacPhersonThe Second Vatican Council brought the importance of Christian holiness to light in the modern world. Fr. Damian spoke to the couples about the "Foolishness of God's Love." God's love is unconditional, "even when we persist in the stubbornness of our ways, God simply never gives up on us." In addressing the couples he noted that there was a "certain risk factor coming from a celibate person, one not seasoned, shaped and formed by the dynamic of married life, but he reminded the couples that a deacon's life must be "molded by his marriage and family." Jesus says, "I am the way, the truth and life," he said, "Intimacy in marriage does show the way, it's the truth and it does give life." The retreat concluded with a Mass and Healing service.


Perpetual Novena >>

The Perpetual Novena to St. Anthony continues daily. Learn more about the Perpetual Novena to St. Anthony.

Upcoming Special Novenas:

Join the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement as we celebrate a solemn Novena of Masses in honor of the Feast of St. Anthony of Padua, the "Saint of Miracles." beginning June 13th.
St. Anthony Feast Day Novena >>

The Graymoor Spiritual Union >>

When someone dies, the sadness and grief can be unbearable. Those closest to the deceased often feel like they're not sure how they will go on, or what they will do next. At these times, the special remembrances of prayers and condolences from friends and loved ones are truly heaven-sent gifts.

When you are in need of a special expression of caring for a friend or loved one in honor of their dearly departed, send a Perpetual Remembrance Enrollment Card in the Graymoor Spiritual Union. Your gift will bring comfort and also support the good works of the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement. A large selection of cards are available at:

This Month's Featured Card >>

Memorial MassWhen someone close to you loses a loved one, it brings the comfort and intercession of Jesus and Perpetual Remembrance in the Masses, prayers, and good works of the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement.


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St. Francis
St. Francis Chapel, Graymoor


•Fri., June 20– Sun., June 22

•Fri., Jul. 11 – Sun., Jul. 13

•Fri., Jul. 25 – Sun., Jul. 27


• Bible Study:
The Book of Exodus
Wednesdays 9:30-11:00 AM
John XXIII Parlor, 5th floor Mass at 11:15 AM St. Pius X Chapel, 6th floor

• Overeaters Anonymous
Saturdays 8:30-9:30 a.m.


• Centering Prayer, St. Francis Chapel - Wed. 8:00 pm

• St. John's Prayer Group, St. Pius X Chapel - Thur. 7:30 pm


• AA, NA, SA, Al-Anon

Contact the
Graymoor Spiritual Life Center:
(845) 424-2111

Franciscan Friars of the Atonement

Headquartered at Graymoor in Garrison, NY, the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement is a Roman Catholic religious community with social, pastoral and ecumenical ministries in the United States, Canada, England, Italy, and Japan.


Graymoor Spiritual Life Center

In the Franciscan tradition of hospitality, Graymoor Spiritual Life Center welcomes individuals and groups of all faiths for spiritual retreats, meetings, conferences and pilgrimages.

Located on a mountaintop overlooking the Hudson River Valley, facilities include overnight accommodations, large dining room, a library, three chapels, as well as meeting/seminar facilities.

Centro Pro Unione
Christian Unity and
Ecumenical Research

The Centro Pro Unione, founded and directed by the Society of the Atonement, is an ecumenical research and action center. Its purpose is to give space for dialogue, study, research and information in ecumenism: theological, pastoral, social and social.

Graymoor Ecumenical & Interreligious Institute

Graymoor Ecumenical & Interreligious Institute promotes Christian unity and interreligious dialogue in North America through its monthly (except August) journal, Ecumenical Trends, Lecture Series, and Week of Prayer for Christian Unity resources.

St. Christopher's Inn
Residential Shelter & Substance Abuse Treatment Center

St. Christopher's Inn is a temporary shelter dedicated to the rehabilitation of men in crisis. Today the Inn shelters over 1,200 men per year, most of whom suffer from alcohol and/or drug addiction.

Our mission is to offer a continuum of quality health care services that facilitate physical, emotional, and spiritual healing by providing chemical dependency treatment, primary health care, and temporary housing.

Parish Ministries /
Atonement Centers

The Friars of the Atonement serve in parish ministries throughout the world.  To visit parish websites, click on the link below:

St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church, Apex, NC

Christ the Redeemer Roman Catholic Church, Sterling, VA

Chapel of Our Savior, Brockton, Massachusetts

St. Odilia Catholic Church, Los Angeles CA

St. Joan of Arc Parish, Toronto Ontario, Canada

St. Joseph the Worker, Richmond British Columbia, Canada

St. Joseph’s Church, Tsurumi-ku Yokohama, Japan

2014 Special
Events Calendar

Annual Golf Classic
Westchester Hills Golf Club
Monday, June 30th

Sponsor Appreciation Day at Graymoor
Thursday, September 4th

Sharing Hope Celebration Dinner
The Pierre, NYC
Friday, October 3rd

Benefactor Appreciation Day at Graymoor
Thursday, October 30th

Fire in the Night
Order the Book:
Fire in the Night
The Life and Legacy
of Fr. Paul of Graymoor

Atonement Friars eNews is the monthly e-newsletter of the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement
P.O. Box 300, Garrison, New York, 10524, Tel. (845) 424-3671, Fax 845-424-2168
Contact the Friars at:

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