Holy Land Festival Emphasizes Unity

July 18, 2017
The Holy Land Committee of the Archdiocese of Washington, chaired by Fr. Jim Gardiner, SA, held its Fourth Annual Holy Land Festival on Saturday, July 15th, on the grounds of the Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land in Washington, DC.
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5 Things to know about Mary and Muslims

July 4, 2017
“Recently the Sheikh Muhammad bin Zayed mosque in Abu Dhabi received a new name, which has gotten wide coverage in the media. It is now the Mosque of Maryam (Mary) the Mother of Jesus. This gracious gesture of Sheikh Muhammad ibn Zayed al-Nahyan deserves to be gratefully received and properly understood.
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The Pinnacle of Trust

July 3, 2017
The three guys, Father Jim, and I all gathered around the TV set in the second floor of the Waverly Place Friary. The Netflix movie "Liberating a Continent: John Paul II and the Fall of Communism" caught our eye since we thought that it would be a good preparation for us to learn about the great Pope who influenced much of ecumenism today.
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Celebrating Our Jubilarians

June 29, 2017
This past Sunday, June 26, the Franciscan Friars of Atonement at Graymoor recognized the anniversaries of six of the Friars. Along with 300 guests, the Friars celebrated the Jubilees with Mass and a luncheon.
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Ecumenical Trends Recognized By Catholic Press Association

June 29, 2017
For its 2017 Catholic Press Awards program, the Catholic Press Association gave two awards to Ecumenical Trends, a publication of the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement. Ecumenical Trends is a monthly (except August) journal that publishes articles on the ecumenical and inter religious movements. Ecumenical Trends reports on current trends and progress in these movements around the world.
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We Can’t be Bystanders in Islamophobia Fight

May 25, 2017
Fr. Damian MacPherson, SA, in an article recently published in the Toronto Catholic Register, provides an insightful look into Islamophobia. In his article, he explains the roots of Islamophobia, its wide-ranging effects, and the stance we are called to take on this issue as Christians.
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