From March 10-14, 2025, college students from Manhattanville University’s Clark Scholars program gathered at Graymoor for the PATH (Peacemakers At-One Together in Hope) Immersion Program. This unique experience invited the students into a week of service, spiritual reflection, and community engagement, all rooted in the charism of At-One-Ment.
Graymoor Ecumenical & Interreligious Institute has named Dr. Aaron Hollander as its new Executive Director. Read about his vision to carry forward a legacy of healing and dialogue in a divided world.
Fr. Joseph Hiramatsu shared these special and cherished photos from the St. Clare Kindergarten's exhibition and the Girls Day celebration at our ministry in Japan.
Brother Benny’s Bakery opened in February with much anticipation and delight. This teachable bakery offers our Brothers Christopher the opportunity to learn baking skills and so much more!
St. Christopher’s Inn is saving lives. Thousands have walked the Holy Mountain seeking healing from addiction. But its mission also extends beyond these hallowed grounds, leading the fight against one of our nation’s greatest crises.
We are in the season of Lent, which, thank God, will end at Easter with His glorious resurrection. I would like to begin by talking about Palm Sunday. We must go back to Palm Sunday and the day Jesus went up to Jerusalem. On that day, two processions entered Jerusalem at Passover and protests against the Romans were inevitable.
On the night of February 28, 2025, millions of eyes literally and figuratively will look up into the evening sky to see the hilal, or the first crescent of the new moon.
On February 12, 2025, Graymoor Ecumenical & Interreligious Institute (GEII) hosted a group of leaders from the Roman Catholic Church, Episcopal Church, and Greek Orthodox Church at the Interchurch Center in New York City.