Jesus lived in a society where caste lines were sharply drawn. It was clearly understood that people stayed with their own kind. Good people did not mix and mingle with bad people.
In Luke 14:25-33 we read that large crowds were coming to Jesus. The movement He started with a dozen men was swelling with converts. How pleased the disciples must have been.
Our gospel today is the third instance in which Luke tells us that Jesus ate with the Pharisees. It must have been an unusual event. Luke says that they watched him closely. However, it seems that Jesus was also observing them. He gently teases the other guests about what he had observed.
Discipline is a bad word, none of us really like it; it conjures up something arduous and painful. To choose a life of discipline is to choose the narrow way.
In some ways, this Martha and Mary story can be annoying to many of us. You do not want to be seen as too much like Martha; ignoring the guest or like passive Mary.