Join the Friars for Mass at Our Lady of the Atonement Chapel

Mass Times

Holy Mass takes place every Sunday at 11:00am
*Our Lady of the Atonement Chapel

For additional days and times please call 845-424-2111.

Parking and handicap parking are available.

Monthly Prayer Service

“That All May Be One” Prayers for Unity is held the first Thursday of each month from 7 – 8 PM in St. Francis Chapel at the Franciscan Sisters’ Motherhouse.

Open to all, this Holy Hour begins with a short reflection. There will be a topic each evening and ideas for personal reflection. Most of the hour is spent in silence, but often there are intercessions and short prayers that everyone may participate in.

Do Not Fear to Hope

Do Not Fear to Hope is a support group for people with HIV Aids. Father Bob Warren leads the group which meets the first Saturday of each month. For more information email


Our Lady of the Atonement Chapel
40 Franciscan Way
Garrison, NY 10524