Brother Hilario Indilicio, NSA, and Brother Frank Lopez, NSA, were received as novices of the Society of the Atonement on Saturday, September 16 at the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement Novitiate in Lima, Peru.
Brother Hilario and Brother Frank each received their habits, and will be guided by postulancy director Father Jose Delgado, SA.
The Friars opened their Lima Novitiate last year. Since then, three novices from the South American Novitiate have made their first profession of vows as Atonement Friars: Brother Yasser Zamora, SA, Brother Teodoro, SA, and Brother Alexander Espinosa, SA. Each made their first professions last December.
Join us in praying for our new Novices! May Our Lady of the Atonement grant them the grace to preserve. The habit reception ceremony can be viewed here.