Franciscan for the Summer participants pictured with Fr. Jim Loughran, SA, left to right: Dave Sebastian, Dalton LaTessa, Fr. Jim, and Kevin Marston
We are excited to welcome three collegiate men—Kevin Marston, Dave Sebastian and Dalton LaTessa—to discern the call to religious life as participants in Franciscan for the Summer. Franciscan for the Summer is an eight-week immersion from mid-June to mid-August for college-aged men to discern religious life with the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement and participate in one of their ministries. This year the men will participate in the Friars’ ministry of promoting Christian unity and interreligious dialogue as a part of Graymoor Ecumenical & Interreligious Institute (GEII).
Participant Dalton LaTessa shared, “What most excites me about participating in Franciscan for the Summer is the chance to learn about interfaith dialogue and how Catholics can better promote peace and justice throughout the world…I am also excited to further discern religious life. Many times, I get lost and confused in God’s path for me, and I hope to continue to find clarity in prayer and guidance.”
Dalton, Kevin and Dave will dive deeply into the Friars’ ecumenical ministries by taking the Friars’ Summer Course at Centro Pro Unione in Rome: “Ecumenical and Interreligious Movements from a Catholic Perspective.” After the course, Fr. Jim Loughran, SA, Director of GEII will lead the participants in developing a presentation related to the course. The theme for this year’s presentation is “Islamic-Catholic Dialogue: St. Francis and the Sultan after 800 Years.”
Finally, throughout the summer participants meet for special retreat days with Friars and Paul Krenzelok, Director of Discernment Ministry, to discern God’s call to religious life, most especially with the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement.
Please pray for these young men who, in the spirit of St. Francis, are spending time with the Friars to promote unity, peace and reconciliation as they discern a call to religious life.